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Old 07-25-2006, 06:01 AM
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chwkreefer chwkreefer is offline
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Chilliwack, BC
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Originally Posted by StirCrazy
I would say your fans are doing most of the work. Central AC does help, by lowering the air temp enabling it to pick up more heat before it is equalized, but on its own usually isn't enuf, the question that remains now is how much water are you losing a day due to evaporative cooling? I was able to keep my tank under 82 with fans but I was losing 5 gal a day on a 90 gal tank, with the chiller I only lose 2 gal a day so that is a difference of 3 gal a day less water vapor being pumped into my house and up to 100 gal less of RO / month I have to make.

Without the central AC from the Heat Pump my tank would be toast. Right now I'm not sure how much evaporation I'm getting as currently my sump is connected directly to my RO/DI. I will be installing a reservoir in between the two once the final repairs from the flood are completed. I think the tank generally sweats about 4-5 gallons per day. I leave my elicient (exhaust) fan running 24/7. The other fans come on after the MH's come on. I have 1100 watts of light on top of my 150. 2 - 400watt MH and 2 - 110 VHO lights.

The main concern for me was that my tank temps would never exceed 82. With the system I've set up I've had very little problem doing that. Usually we keep the inside temp of the house between 71 and 74 in the summer. We stay comfortable and so does our tank.
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