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Old 07-25-2006, 04:17 AM
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Funky_Fish14 Funky_Fish14 is offline
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I'll do my darndest to keep mine going! So far, 4 out of 5 are eating well. One didnt eat the last time I fed, but still has a slight pigmentation from when I picked it up, or maybe it ate a little here. Im taking it real slow. I hope to work them into a 1g acrylic container. I hope I dont have any problems!

Rory, Im sure the aiptasia's in your tank wont cause too many problems? I can also say that if berghias were able to colonize in there, im sure they'd clean 'er out real quick.

Did you guys drip acclimate right away real quick? Im still floating in the original water, and could even smell some decay from the dead aiptasia remains I added, but the berghias seemed fine. I am starting to add small amounts(squirt-tubes full) of water from my tank that has been temperature matched. Will slowly quadruple the volume of water in their container.

I'll keep everyone updated!

Rory, any chance of cross contamination between tools you were using? I rinse everything I use with RO/DI water all the time, also, I dont let chlorinated water near any of my tank stuff except test tubes when I clean them, then they are rinsed with RO/DI anyways. I use new towels all the time, and completely dry anything thats wet. I also only used new containers thus far with anything I did reguarding the Nudis.

No more tanks - Laying off the ReefCrack for awhile!
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