Thread: Very first tank
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Old 07-24-2006, 09:47 PM
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Petcrazy Petcrazy is offline
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: N.Delta, BC
Posts: 91
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My first saltwater tank (since I've had freshwater since I was knee high to a grasshopper)...was a 10 gallon (FOWLR) with damsels that a friend ditched at my house which has been taken down since then and the damsels brought to other homes (they were evil I tell you EVIL!!).
I never wanted a salt tank until I had enough room for a big one and was on my own...but....I didn't get much of a choice. After that was a 25 nano reef since someone I was seeing at the time twisted my arm and had me convert an old dumpy white's tree frog tank into it, I still have that tank going now (the corals are outgrowing it) along with the perma cicling 75 gallon in my entrance :P.
When I finish this semester I'll get around to finishing that one since I'll have more time and money....
-hides from Callum, Ivy, John and Tom-
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