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Old 07-24-2006, 09:35 PM
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b_james b_james is offline
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Edmonton (West)
Posts: 177
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Yes.. Because the joists run lengthwise to the tank, I added 2 more joists as well as two 2X8 studded bearing walls directly under the centerline on the tank - Basically a 16" thick studded wall with a 2X8 bearing wall running the width of the tank forming a 'T' wall under the centerline of the tank. The other end closest to the window sits directly over the concrete foundation wall as my livingroom is cantalevered out 24"

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150 Gal Deep Dimension Cube, with Model 2 sump/filter, CO2 reactor, milwakee pH controller, auto-top off, 2 radion LED lighting, Vortech MP40 cor internal circulation.
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