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Old 07-24-2006, 07:21 PM
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Jaws Jaws is offline
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Victoria
Posts: 1,255
Jaws is on a distinguished road

I took my filter off my chiller pump to clean it the other day because the chiller was having trouble keeping up. I took the front cover off the chiller too so the filter didn't clog. My only mistake was I forgot to plug the chiller pump back in afterwards and came home to an 88 degree tank after work. The fish were breathing pretty heavily but I plugged the pump back in and slowly brought the temp back down to 78 after 8 hours. I consider myself very luck because with the amount of lighting on my tank I could have cooked everything very quickly. I'm please to report that there were no fatalities and everything seems to be doing quite well. The only thing I can manage is the heat in my condo. Even with an 11000 BTU air conditioner, it's no match for the amount of heat that my chiller pumps out. The coolest day in my condo all year was the day I forgot to plug the chiller pump back in.
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