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Old 07-22-2006, 12:56 AM
Marnie Marnie is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Victoria
Posts: 44
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Default 90g Complete-Victoria SOLD-light still available

TANK AND CONTENTS SOLD-light still available

Hi all, due to a recent move and subsequent back injury, I have a complete 90g set-up including contents for sale.

Undrilled 90g tank & stand as pictured-SOLD
rubbermaid sump (25g) with ASM G3 skimmer
4-6 Maxi jet 1200
Overflow (Utube)
200W Ebo heater

approx 100lb live rock
yellow tang
purple tang
lawnmower blenny
tuxedo urchin
Bangaii cardinal
bicolor pseudo
blue starfish
2 clownfish w/RBTA
3 crocea clams
various corals mostly LPS (frog, pearl, bubble, sun coral, plus few more)
PLUS much more like cleanup crew etc etc....

This tank is setup at my old house and needs to be moved by Aug 10

First $800 (obo) takes it all. Sorry guys/gals, I'm not interested in parting out cuz I don't live there any longer.

Also have a AqualightPro 48" I'd like $400
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Last edited by Marnie; 07-25-2006 at 05:45 AM.
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