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Old 07-20-2006, 10:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Chin_Lee
I have been given the membership pricing if I purchase 5 lbs or more which is $8 per pound (and the overnight Fedex shipping will be around $70 for 6 lbs)
This was the conflicting satement that made me think what I did... it sounds like the purchase of at least 5lbs drops the price... If everyone were to order individually, not everyone would take 5lbs, as most are taking one or two. That would raise the price per lb for the business, no? Unless im clompletely misunderstanding the above statement. Anyways, thats not the point...

I am pondering an Edmonton order if anyone from AB is interested.. I already have 5lbs at least accounted for, and I wouldnt have a problem shipping portions to Calgary or north of Ed... at your own risk ofcourse, but algae shouldnt be tough to ship... cheato ships dry doesnt it? I would ship this wet ofcourse though. At your own risk though, if its not reccomended.

No more tanks - Laying off the ReefCrack for awhile!
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