Hey guys, thanks for the replies
Andrew, my alk has always been low. I just can't seem to get it up

I don't know, I use that Kent Superbuffer and it seems to go up after adding it for a week and then the very next day when I don't add it it goes right back down. I guess I don't know what I am doing.
As for the cleanup crew, I am decidedly against sea cucs. I don't seem to have much success with fish/inverts and something that big could nuke my tank. I have 6 emerald crabs, several snails (dinner for the hermits) and about 20 hermits in there as well as a queen conch (no flames please). the snails seem to kick off a few days after adding them and they just lay there and let it all hang out. The other snails seem to be having some sort of executive meeting on whether they should join the others in hanging out.
EmilyB, Hmm, TDS eh? I'll have to see what I can find at work. I'm sure someone has something, either that or I can run my water thru a spectrophotometer. I'm sure someone knows how to do it. The cartridge was just replaced in January and they usually last quite a long time. the water filters out at 18.2microns I think, 18.2 somethingorother. Hmm, I should pay more attention to the machine (its in the chemistry lab at work, I work at a marine research station).
Rachel, yep I been laying low lately. This has got me really irate tho. I need to get to a meeting so I can get excited about this again. I just got rid of the hair algae and it like this one has no competition so yahoo! Thanks for the offer of the phosguard. I have some and put it in the tank tonight after the water change.
Titus, you would laugh if you saw the puny amount of skimmate this POS puts out. Of course, that is when it is working. Its also dependent on how much water you have in the sump and lets face it my sump sucks the big kahuna. I guess I should look into buying a better skimmer since I just wasted $80 on livestock that died from this bloody algae. It should have gone towards a decent skimmer.
Well I guess I'll just keep on with these water changes. Hopefully something will click.
Thanks for the input guys!