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Old 07-18-2006, 04:59 PM
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TheReefGeek TheReefGeek is offline
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We sort of got a shipping discount. The box required to ship ended up being larger and twice as heavy as the quote was for, but they are going to eat the additional shipping charges. Plus there is lots of additional paperwork and research that was required on their part so that we shouldn't have any trouble with customs. I also have an e-mail stating that ornamental fish for aquarium use are not restricted in any way, but that they are subject to a 15% duty, which we may or may not get charged. If there is no duty I will have about $1.00 return per bhergia for everyone, if we get charged duty I will have to collect an additional $1.00 from everyone.

I will let everyone know the tracking number when it ships tommorow.

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