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Old 07-14-2006, 03:24 PM
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cindyt cindyt is offline
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: west of edmonton,AB
Posts: 63
cindyt is on a distinguished road
Default Fish need home :(

Hi guys

Well,have decided to move so will be shutting some tanks down. So far I think (sigh) that well be finding homes for:

Breeding pair of tomato clown(they host,but shes evil towards fingers)
2 Yellow tangs
Big domino damsel(he thinks hes a torpedo and is hilarious to watch)
Big red damsel
Rusty Angel
Yellow tail damsel
1/2 purple and 1/2 yellow gramma(lol-yes sir,I did forget the name)

Pricing will be fair as I just want them to find good homes

I know there will be more but this is the compile so far.

Also,Im not real sure how were gonna do the move with the fish Im keeping,so may need some baby sitters fairly soon. If you can help at all with looking after some of my babies,please let me know,as some I just cant part with

Hugs to all,
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