Saltyunderground doesn't have enough stock to ship until next Wednesday, July 19th. They will ship Fedex overnight, so it should arrive Thursday, but if there are any troubles it will arrive Friday.
The live guarantee will hold if the shipment arrives on Thursday. No guarantee if the shipment arrives Friday, but they ship 2-day all the time without problems I am told.
Shipping will be $2.00 US per bhergia, and the bhergia themselves will be $14.00 US. Tax/brokerage will be $1.00 US per bhergia, but if this doesn't get charged on our order (cross your fingers!), I will reimburse when you pickup.
Therefore total cost per bhergia will be $17.00 US. If there are unforseen costs, or it ends up cost less, I may have to collect or reimburse $1.00 or so per bhergia when you pickup. (if people cancel, price will go up slightly for shipping, which I will cover, then collect at pickup time, rounded to the dollar per bhergia. If taxes/brokerage is not charged, I will reimburse)
I will get the bhergia shipped to my office, unless someone else wants to volunteer a location they will for sure be home at.
Please submit your orders and pay via pay-pal to by the end of the day Monday, July 17th. The fee to use a credit card is an additional $1.00 US. For example if you use VISA, and buy 5 bhergia, your total cost = 5x17 + 1 = $86.00 US. Please pay in US dollars through paypal.
Once you have ordered your bhergia, of if you decide not to participate, please post to this thread so I know what is happening.