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Old 07-11-2006, 09:15 AM
midgetwaiter midgetwaiter is offline
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Originally Posted by StirCrazy
there are lots of studys I would like to review, and depending on what is in the actual study yes it could make a difference. the problem is there have been so many people reviewing 3 or 4 papers and then taking there own interpretation from them that you can get 5 different opinions from people reading the same 3 or 4 papers.. so it is hard to believe anyone at face value if you know what I mean.
I bet there is more like 30 opinions. I think the point a lot of people miss is that science is all about not knowing. You get some results and you try to make a case to support your interpretation of the data. The really amusing aspect of this particular situation is that there are very few people that would argue with his basic point (including genix) but the way he tries to make his case POs everybody and he gets shouted down.
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