Originally Posted by midgetwaiter
If you can see any edit artifacts in those pics then you must have a really special eye because I can't. I would also have a really difficult time making a judgement on the health of the fish, not enough detail. I may be a bit of a coral newbie but I've been keeping SW fish for a long time and I just can't see what you're talking about.
How do you know that research done on the growth rates of Regal Tangs has anything at all to do with the growth of Yellow Tangs? Additionally you should note that the linked article gives guidelines for judging the growth rate of a fish to determine IF it is stunted. It gives no evidence about the how and why a fish may end up with sub optimal growth. Are the fish that have been observed to stunt in dirty water, is the diet adequate, etc, etc. None of that is discussed in the article.
The research fish was not done using a the regal tang but was done on acanthurus species tangs. The author who IMO is an expert on fish in our hobby applied the findings to the hippo/regal. It seems reasonable therefore that they could also be applied using the formulae to yellow tangs as well.
The yellow tang shown appeared to me to be pinched and thin. I enlarged the photo, however, I was carefull to use "appeared" in my post.
Thank you