Originally Posted by genix
actually, i did know that my 30 gallon is too small for my yellow tang according to some people. i've read tons of posts by the tang police. but i also know that my yellow tang is quite content in my 30. he gets high quality food, good water quality, and peacefull tank mates with no fear of predators. i'm sure if i gave my yellow tang a 10 foot tank, he'd use all that swimming space. does that mean a 4 foot tank is too small for him?? all marine fish are used to territories a hell of a lot larger than we give them in aquariums, does this mean they can't be happy? who is to say how small is too small and what exactly would that be based on?
Genix ,if you are going to use photoshop to put a tang in a 30 gallon to get a reaction at least choose a healthy yellow tang. The one you posted "appears" pinched and thin which are the signs of starvation in a tang. They should be plump when they are fed properly.
AC33 You are correct that a small tank stunts a fish's growth. StirCrazy here is the cite you need. Please see
The tang referred to is a hippo/regal tang.