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Old 07-09-2006, 06:42 PM
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GrimReefer GrimReefer is offline
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Victoria, BC
Posts: 280
GrimReefer is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by naesco
Nice looking tank and welcome to Canreef.

AC33, the reason why nobody mentioned that the tang is in a tank far too small for its requirements is that everyone is quite properly polite. Obvious this new reefer who did not know the tank requirements for a tang when he bought the fish.

Genix, unlike many of the fish we have in our hobby that kind of poke around here and there for food around the coral heads, tangs are swimmers. They like to motor back in forth in large longer tanks (six footers). Your yellow cannot do that in your 30 gallon tall. Someone near you with a larger tank can keep it for you or you can return it to the LFS.

We all started as newbies. It is best to get information on fish and coral before you buy them from well known books and websites. The members of Canreef are an excellent source of really good information and can recommend many books for you. All you simply have to do it ask.

Good luck with your new hobby

Thank you
actually, i did know that my 30 gallon is too small for my yellow tang according to some people. i've read tons of posts by the tang police. but i also know that my yellow tang is quite content in my 30. he gets high quality food, good water quality, and peacefull tank mates with no fear of predators. i'm sure if i gave my yellow tang a 10 foot tank, he'd use all that swimming space. does that mean a 4 foot tank is too small for him?? all marine fish are used to territories a hell of a lot larger than we give them in aquariums, does this mean they can't be happy? who is to say how small is too small and what exactly would that be based on?
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