The more I think about it.... it's too late to think.
The 2 culprits I can think of at the moment would be my pail that I used for acclimatising them or the powerhead. I wonder if one or the other got contaminated somewhere along the line.
I'm thinking the pail because if the powerhead was contaminated with something wouldn't it wipe out the whole tank? After reading and consideration I feel I owe the staff at gold's an apology for my earlier vent. A combination of a bad day at work and having both my new fish dead in under 24 hours doesn't make for a pleasant stress free evening but I shouldn't have targeted the store right off the bat. My profound apologies
The toadstool is coming back around, all the polyps are out. The GSP is all sucked in but it's done that every night. I guess I'll see in the morning how it's doing.