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Old 07-07-2006, 02:56 AM
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reeferaddict reeferaddict is offline
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Mill Bay
Posts: 507
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Still need a little more info like how long have you been cycling and tank size etc... as far as the fish go, calling the LFS & venting won't do any good for anyone... this stuff happens... some stores require you to bring in the bodies and a water sample & they will replace the fish for up to a week... others will give you 50% and yet others will tell you your warranty expired the minute you stepped out of the store... you have to ask first... That's one of the many reasons to quarantine... a sick or stressed fish can cause a whole system crash... be patient with the corals... 2 dead fish will degrade your water quality very quickly, so your corals are probably responding to that by shrinking up... improve the water quality and they should recover. I suspect that you have ammonia... (guarantee more like)... so a 30% or even 50% water change would go a long way to bringing those levels back in line... then your nitrites will spike... (another water change)... and finally your nitrates...(Yep! Another water change)... this will take between a few days and a couple of weeks depending on how much rock & sand you have & how long it has been cycling & what the bioload potential is... good luck!
135G Mixed Reef. Bullet 2, 25 gal refugium, 2 X250W MH + 4X 96W PC\'s, DIY Calcium Reactor, Coralife 1/6 HP Chiller, Phosban, Tunze, 2 closed loops & SQWD\'s, Seios, Coralife 4 stage RO/DI & a bunch of other expensive gadgets... I may never retire, but I'm gonnahavahelluvanaquarium!
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