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Old 07-03-2006, 08:07 AM
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Originally Posted by lil_clownfish13
i'm brutally allergic to no

Actually you will find countless message boards with these complaints of serious allergies to bloodworms.

A few years back, I was babysitting a friends fish in my tanks & he gave me bloodworms to feed. A few days later I got a rash, sneezing, itchy eyes. Didn't thing to much of it but kept getting it. Then after a few weeks, I couldn't figure out why me & my guests were both getting rashes, itchy eyes, sneezing, ect. Every time I left my apartment for a day, I would feel better.

So I still wasn't able to figure out UNTIL I went into a local pet store, was shopping around and started to break out in a rash again. Talked with some employee's there and one guy said bet you have allergies to bloodworms as they feed with bloodworms. Told me lots of people have allergies to them. DING DING DING... yup, then I remembered the recent freezer dried bloodworms I was given to feed the fish, which they all loved it. Researched more and all the times I put my hands in the tank water, or even over time it collecting in the filters became air born. Took me a lot of water changes in all my tanks, cleaning all filters clear and no more feeding of bloodworms.

Do I normally have allergies..nope. Otherwise I have no allergies to anything. After I cleared my house of bloodworms, I never got a rash or cold like symptoms again.

So if you can't explain a little rash, itchy eyes, sneezing, cold like symptoms you or your family member keeps getting... stop feeding bloodworms, clean out all your filters, run lots of carbon and see if suddenly you feel a whole lot better and never see a rash again.

Here is a link for anyone interested.

Hope this helps.
~ LeeWorld ~

"Not using a quarantine tank is like playing Russian roulette. Nobody wins the game, some people just get to play longer than others." - Anthony Calfo

Last edited by bulletsworld; 07-03-2006 at 08:14 AM.
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