FS: Reef Safe Wrasses
Ordered a bunch in for myself and got a few too many for me to house
2 x Whipfin Fairy (C. Filamentosus) $40 each 1 left
2 x Bluesided Fairy (C. Cyanopleura) $30 each
3 x Yellowfin Fairy (C. Flavidorsalis) $30 each 2 left
2 x Solar Fairy (C. Solarensis) $50 each
1 x Orange Back Fairy (C. Aurantidorsalis) $40 SOLD
They're all eating mysis and pellets, will start letting them go on friday and sunday as im out of town saturday
BioCube 29, Nanotuners 150w hqi/pc refit, LED refugium, MCE600, Tunze 6025.
Last edited by BlkWolfe; 07-03-2006 at 06:30 AM.