Thread: Tangs for sale
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Old 06-29-2006, 03:42 AM
reefsurfer reefsurfer is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Tofino, BC
Posts: 12
reefsurfer is on a distinguished road

THe bus is prety quick to nanaimo. I have a styrofoam box and good bags to pack it in. (a shame I didnt get those bags before monday)

I can put an ice pack in the box so it doesnt get too hot.

The bus will cost you under 20 bucks.

Idealy youll want to be at the bus depot when the bus gets there, Ill look into the exact time and let you know, it would be good to bring them home right away and aclimate them.

You can email me the money, thats usualy prety ez.

PM me your phone # and we can iron out the details.

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