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Old 06-24-2006, 07:11 PM
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Originally Posted by midgetwaiter
Care to elaborate on that a bit? I think if you compare current flourecent technology to incandecent lights that statement is obviously incorrect. Never mind the differences with solid state lights. They're going to throw heat but nothing like a HID lamp.
because of the efficiency the will be less heat, but how much we don't know.. I do know the luxton stars get so hot they need a heat shield to prevent the LED from burning out and I can only imagine that a 5 watt version would need that also sense a 1 watt version does. so there will be heat thrown out. now sense they use 40% less energy then you are looking at a heat difference of 40% (at least) but how much of this was through the ballast? I would say 1/2 sense I know how hot my ballast get. light is radiation of energy which when comes in contact with a surface will change to heat, the question is how much. weather you have 250 watts of radiant light from a MH or 250 watts of radiant light from and LED it is still the same amount of energy (assuming 100% efficiency) and will have the exact warming effect. now I am only taking about the radiant component, not the convection or conduction types. Convection is the big one that we have a problem with in closed hoods but can be solved with power venting, but you can vent all you want and Radiant heating will not be affected.

so like I said before.. will it run cooler, probably... how much... don't know.

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