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Old 06-23-2006, 03:20 PM
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shadowboy shadowboy is offline
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Location: keremeos B.C.
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shadowboy is on a distinguished road
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I was looking at SLR's but decided that the delicacy of the camera wasn't for me. So i started looking at cameras that are noe preformign just as good or better than SLR's, you dont get the flexibilty of changing lenses, but lenses can run up to 300$ Im buying the fujifilm s9000 28mm-300mm zoom 9.2 megapixels and alot mor rugged than an SLR. Also all those cheap prices from the states are decieving. Alot of them dont ship into canada or use any type of P.O box system and alot won't accept credit cards from here and then you have no warrenty either. It's a big hassle for mabye 200$ off at the most. Look at they have some awesome prices and from alberta too.

135 gallon reef
corals:kenya tree,colts,blasto,gold toadstool,gps,zoo's,ricordea,elephants ear,rhodactis mushrooms,finger leather. 7 inch squamosa.

Livestock: powderblue tang,scopas tang,sailfin tang, blue tang, longnose hawkfish, coral beauty,2 clown fish,royal gramma,checkerboard wrasse, sixline wrasse.

soon to running 55 gallon refugium.
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