Well, finally everything looks to be dried out. The final drywall was ripped out Thursday morning. They should start boarding again on Friday. So, I'm without a sump and skimmer for probably a week. Also, I'm down about 1200 gallons per hours of circulation. I did manage to mickey mouse something together today to get my calcium reactor running on the system again today.
But finally tomorrow all the fans and dehumidifiers will finally be taken out of the house. Man was it noisy in our house for the last 7 days. It looks like it will be another week before my new flooring, drywall, finishing and painting is done and things go back to normal. I will be making a few modifications to my system to prevent that from ever happening again.
Does anyone in the Lower Mainland sell those "Screamers" that have a probe and detect moisture? I think I'm gonna pick one of those up. Having one of those could have prevented what I suspect is over $5000 in damage.
Usually, I look at my tank and it gives me peaceful tranquil thoughts. Right now I feel like slapping a forsale sign on the thing.
Well that bout does it for my rant . . . needed to get that off my chest.