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Old 06-22-2006, 02:16 AM
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Originally Posted by GMGQ
Wow, some of you feed so much. I only clip in 1/4 of a sheet, every other day or so. I use it more of a treat than as their main source of food. Mostly my tang and bluethroat trigger eat it.
And that is fine for your tang because it is a Regal tang which is not an algae eater tang. Their primary food requirements are zooplankton so you should be feeding it meaty foods as well as a little nori.

You can tell if you are underfeeding your tangs because they will have a little piched in look to the stomach area.

CMGQ you should be aware that this tang will get the size of a dinner plate.
The 70 gallon tank is less than half the size it and all tangs with the exception of kole and similar species need. You have a beautifull reef tank filled with rock and coral but, your tank does not provide the necessary swimming room this and other tangs require. (6 foot length).

If a tang is not eating nori you should check to ensure that it is not a flavoured nori variety. Nori should be fortified with selcon and garlic from time to time to add additional nutrients to the food. The specialty algae foods you see from time to time (Sprung's etc) are expensive and a waste of money.

Thank you

Last edited by naesco; 06-22-2006 at 02:19 AM.
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