I would be much more concerned about brook than internal parasites. Formalin (37% formaldehyde) is available from Aquarium Products. Comes in a small dropper bottle - I've seen it in the shops in Victoria. For internal parasites, it really depends on what you're targeting. If protozoans (such as Hexamita) you need something that contains metronidazole, for tapeworms something that contains praziquantel, and for roundworms something that contains levamisole. On the last one, there are others that would be effective such as ivermectin, fenbendazol and piperazine - but you are very unlikely to find them. You can find metro, prazi and levamisole in various products if you look around - or you can get Jungle's AntiParasitic Medicated Feed which contains all three (which is also available locally) provided you can get your fish to eat it. However, don't rush in to medicate your fish the minute you get them. First, if you can get captive bred they will do better and are much, much less likely to be carrying pathogens (especially internal ones). If you get wild caught, I would suggest keeping them in quarantine for 4-8 weeks and keep a close eye on them. If they are happy, appear healthy and are eating lots they should be fine. It's always best to reserve medications for when you need them.
Hope this helps.