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Old 06-19-2006, 01:02 AM
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Ruth Ruth is offline
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Location: Fort St. John, British Columbia
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Default What is your favorite fish?

Either one that you currently have or one you wish you had. I thought about this for a while and can only narrow it down to 2. I have a Moorish Idol that I did not order but agreed to take and try and have had it now for just about a year. He has personality and will show up in just about every picture I take of that tank - his name is Elvis. My other favorite is a Goldflake Angel. Other than the 2 firefish he is the smallest fish in the tank but someone forgot to tell him that. He is plucky - right in the middle of the Nori free for all. The tank he is in also gets some direct sunlight and he just sparkles gold with a brilliant blue outline.
So what is yours?
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