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Old 06-16-2006, 08:37 PM
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Beverly Beverly is offline
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Location: North Edmonton
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Have used IO in the past with no mixing problems.

I think Chad has asked some very good questions about how a person actually makes up their new saltwater for water changes.

Here's our method:

- right after weekly water changes in our 37g, 67g and 120g we begin adding RO/DI water to two 30g mixing vats (Rubbermaid garbage cans) that are stored in a room with an open window (summer and winter)
- tops of vats are left partly uncovered to allow for maximum aeration
- once the water level in each vat is acheived, an 802 powerhead is plugged in and the water gets a heck of a good aeration until the next water change
- two days before water changes, heaters are plugged in in both vats, powerheads still running like crazy and tops still partly uncovered
- the day before water changes, salt is added to a salinity of 1.025, powerheads running even crazier and tops still partly uncovered

NOTE: there is usually a bit of salted water left in the mixing vat from water change day. It is left in the vat and RO/DI water is added to dilute it.

I have just made up the water for water changes tomorrow. At first, the water is cloudy, but it clears within a half hour at most, mainly due, IMO, to the water being heated to tank temps and the vigorous aeration.


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