Originally Posted by Ruth
Well I'm stumped too - and by the way I really like the way you have your tank aquascaped as well. What salt are you using? Sometimes salt mix can effect different life forms. Do you mix it for at least 24hrs before doing a water change.
I know that I have had things go whacky in my tanks that I have a hard time figuring out and when that happens I just do lots and lots of water changes - like 2 times a week and up to 50% change. My theory is that something is wrong with the chemistry in there and the only surefire way is to dilute-dilute-dilute. It brings your chemistry into balance and gets rid of bad guys in there. Yes it is a lot of work - I have lots of tanks - but has always gotten things back on track for me. Good luck.
I use instant ocean salt, and let the salt mix for 3-4 days before adding. I adjust temps, alkalinty, Calcium, and salinty days before new mix is added to main tank. Also, i every parameter before water goes into to tank right before water change.
As for water changes, been doing that now for a few weeks. Atleast %15 per week.