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Old 06-14-2006, 11:45 PM
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chwkreefer chwkreefer is offline
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Chilliwack, BC
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chwkreefer is on a distinguished road
Default What a day . . . Tank Fiasco!!!

Well, this morning I was awakened by my wife telling me that there was water on our carpets!. It turns out my skimmer went nuts and the drain line somehow didn't work according to my "fail safe" drain method. It always has for the past 2.5 years. (I'm modifying it now) I'd like to know what made my skimmer go that crazy.

I assume my skimmer pumped out between 12 and 25 gallons of water into my house. My tank is an inwall tank and divides my living room from my family room. The water managed to make it's way through the floor and ruined some of my drywall downstairs. I have a silent floor system which is all insulated and has soundboard and resilient metal strips for sound proofing.

So I had a restoration company come out and looks like I'm getting new laminate flooring in the family room. We are not sure how the carpets will turn out yet in the living room. . . and I just had a company come in last Friday to clean all our carpets!

The drywall, soundboard and insulation is all coming off downstairs. Thank goodness for insurance.

Because I have a water replacement system in place, my salinity dropped to 1.018. . . . which I'm slowing bringing back up now. So far only one species of sps shows signs of stress. The rest look fine. Me on the other hand. . . I think I showed some signs of stress too!

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