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Old 06-08-2006, 02:40 AM
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Ruth Ruth is offline
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: Fort St. John, British Columbia
Posts: 1,605
Ruth is on a distinguished road

I tranferred the contents (and added some more) of a JBJ 12g that I had at work. I have zenia, candy cane, mushrooms, zoos, frogspawn, blue staghorn, digi cap (a couple of different ones) and a squamosa clam in mine as well as a couple of false percs a YWG, cleaner shrimp and a pistol shimp in mine. It is doing surprisingly well. Corals and clam are all growing and people come in just to look at my tank. The way the light sits on it is kinda neat as well as there are slots in the top bracing that the legs of the light fit right into. I will try and get a picture one of these days.
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