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Old 06-08-2006, 01:33 AM
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Originally Posted by shadowboy
I got my powder blue about 4 1/2 months ago, suprisingly he did great, no ick nice and fat and got along with my other tangs. After coming back from vancouver last week I found him to be extremly skinny, lethargic and not eating. All the other fish seem to be fine, except him. What can cause a fish to decline so much in 2 days when he was fine? I guess theres probaly a number of things but just upset by losing this fish, seeing as he was doin so well. Whats you expirence with the PB? thanks alot

Most likely the fish you bought was from the Philippines or Indonesia where the use of cyanide is rampant. Insist on net caught fish which are available.
The powder blue tang is a poor choice with a poor survival experience.
Here are the tangs to avoid.
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