F/S 90 gallon livestock (Calgary)
Due to work related travel during the summer and house renovations in the fall I will be disposing of most components of my 90 gallon reef tank which has been operating for four years.
As the first stage I have the following fish and corals available:
SOLD Rose BTA (2 available) about 3" diameter, recently split, $75 each
SOLD Green Carpet Anenome, 8", $50
Candycane Coral, multiple heads, 6" diameter, offers?
Green moon coral, 4" diameter, offers?
Branching green frogspawn, multiple heads, offers?
Foxface, $50
SOLD Percula clownfish, tank raised, $15 to be sold with BTA
Coral banded shrimp, $15
PENDING Flame Angel, $50
PENDING Royal Gramma, $15
Horn coral, $20
Miscellaneous items at $5 each: green chromis, pyjama cardinals, brittle starfish, black sea cucumber, coral frags, small pieces of live rock.
PENDING About 10 large pieces of Tongo Branch live rock, 5-10lb each for $20 each. (Rock availability subject to prior coral/anenome sale)
Live sand and some hardware will be available later.
Last edited by pjgriffin; 06-10-2006 at 01:32 AM.
Reason: Sale Update