I have had this colt for several months...I have 2-1 that is very large that extends his polyps all the time and then this one, it routinely gets white patches and looks like it is melting, it NEVER extends its polyps...here is some info on my system
65 gallon hex reef, Remora C Pro skimmer, 18 gallon custom sump, Phosban reactor, 80lbs live rock, 10 or so in sump, water change every 14 days with RO/DI water and Seachem reef salt, lighting is a Coralife Aqualight Pro with a 150...coral is about 18 inches below light (the other colt is just about 1" higher) there are no corals touching it or in the direct vicinity of it
SG 1.025
pH 8.2
Temp 83+ (just got my chiller and am hooking it up BUT the coral does this routinely when temps are OK)
Mag 1200+
Cal 320-350
Alk 10-11
lighting is on for 12+ hours (PC's) and the halide is on for about 6-7 hours
I appreciate anyone who has any help...thanks for looking! Sarah