I am in the process of purchasing a New 225 Gallon tank (72 Long - 24 High - 30 Deep) and am looking for some recomendations on what Tunze system to purchase.
Currently I have 3 Falsce Perc clowns, A Juvenile Emporer, and a Hippo Tank in a 90 gallon tank. As for Coral, I keep numerous Zoos, a Frogspawn, Torch Corals etc. Nothing High end, yet

My plan is to get a few of the more advanced light/flow loving corals (SPS etc) but maintain a good uncrowded, mixed environment. (I do not plan on filling my tank with i huge pile of live rock like a lot of the classic Reefing tanks, but having smaller groups of rock with swimming lanes for the fish etc.) I will also be going barebottom or 1/2 inch sand bed.
I would like to get a Wavebox and at least 1 6100 Stream which I understand can be slaved off of the wavebox.
Does this sound like it will be enough flow or should I add another 6100 and put both the 6100's on the Single Controller.
Thanks to anyone that can help me with some advise!