This is what I have left, I have updated the Prices to sell.
One real nice 40" Stand with cabbents and a nice light wood finish - $100
48G tank with hood 2 lights (a small chip on the top but still useable) $40
Fluval 4 Plus filter = $25
Millwaukee LCD PH probe (Handheld) and a can of seachem PH booster = $35 SALE PENDING
Aqua-safe 100G per day 6 leavel RO/DI unit (brand new) just installed last month = $185 SALE PENDING
2 Cleaning mags (big and a small one) Cleaning scrub brush,Almost full Joes Juice (20ml) 2 small nets ALL FOR = $20
Refractometer - $60 SOLD
Salifert NO2 and NO3 Test new - $30 for both SOLD
10G QT setup (10G tank, AC300 fillter, 50W ML heater) $25
4 5G empty buckets + 1/4 full bucket of salt = $10 SALE PENDING
Seahorses, Pipefish and their relatives (Rudie H. Kuiter) $30 (paid $80 +tax)
Clownfish and Sea Anemones (Barron's) $5
Seahorses (Barron's) $5
Last edited by Deathstar; 05-31-2006 at 11:46 PM.