Moving Away Sale (Fish, Shrimp & BTA)
So after several years in this hobby, I'm sad to say that I cannot continue it at the current level. My tank is being neglected and I think its time I let it go.
I will be moving to Calgary into a place where I cannot maintain the 75g that I have so I am looking to clear out some of the larger livestock and hopefully maintain as much as i can in a little 10g for awhile.
I am tentatively putting up for sale some lifestock as I try to let these guys go. All fish are healthy.
Medium (3'') Regal Tang @ $50
2 Large (2.5") Clownfish @ $10 each - these guys are getting old
Large (3") Cinnamon Clown @ $15 - readily hosts in BTA's
Large (4") Bicolour Angel @ $30
Other Stuff
Extra Large (3" body, 9" antenna span) Coral Banded Shrimp @ $15
2 Small (2.5") Green Bubble Tipped Anemone @ $25 each
Let me know if you're interested. Might have a lot of other things for sale later on.