Thread: BTA clone
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Old 05-26-2006, 03:33 PM
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Originally Posted by OCDP
I would love another BTA for him to have for himself. Once I get the new tank up (next weekend . finally..) there will be no space issues...
Still have it. My female owns that one hahah... the male has to sneak in to rub around in it, and once he's caught all hell breaks loose. Pretty funny ....

I would just like one for the male, as it's more "natural" and then my frogspawn can thrive... I think it's slowing the growth rate with the little bugger rubbing in it 24/7.

The other anemone is still looking and doing great... one of my fav's
20g BB Mixed Reef // Coralife 150w HQI // AquaC Nano // Koralia 1 & Seio 820 // Jager 200w // AC50
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