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Old 05-19-2006, 04:15 AM
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Mike Olson Mike Olson is offline
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Location: Abbotsford
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Mike Olson is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by DARK
I won the "Not so perfect tank" contest Polyp Labs had a few months ago. While I used the product for 5 weeks, I noticed a big improvement in the colours of my sps but since I ran out of The System and stop dosing, my purple monster frags and some lime green/teal stags have lost most of their colour and they appear to be dieing. Unless you plan to use The System "forever" I do not suggest using this product. I stopped using the product because it would cost me 180$ every 5 weeks on my 450g total water volume setup. I was impressed that it worked so well but now I wish I hadn't even entered the contest... sound harsh? Yes it is... but Im the one seeing what damage its caused to my system. If someone needs me to answer questions I'll glady do so.
I guess your reef liked the reef resh and then reacted negatively to not getting it...kinda like feeding a dog steak for awhile, then watching him go back to dry dog food Ha Ha! It must have done some good while you were using it if your corals had that much of a decline after.
All I know is that I do a 20% water change every 1-2 months, I feed my fish and corals alot, I have ALWAYS had nitrate readings around 10-20, and ever since I have used this product they have been at ZERO. This reason alone has made it worth the money, not withstanding the sps growth ive had in my mixed reef and other benefits
180g tank(6x2x2) w/170lbs LR, 2-250W 1-400W Halides, 2-3ft t5 Actinics,H&S 1260 200 Skimmer, 1-Tunze 6000stream w/controller, 1-6060stream, 70g sump, 30g refugium Neptune controller, Sequence Hammerhead inline return, Lifeguard 25W UV, 1-Tunze osmolator, 1-Tunze wavebox, 1/4Hp Pacific Coast chiller, MarineTech calcium reactor
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