I apologize Dark, no offense to you.
Thank you for the time to tell us about your experience.
I would be better off not opening my mouth, but i just get my panties in a bunch about this type of (filtration?)stuff...Cheers, hopefully your livestock is recovering...most of all, welcome to canreef
I and several others (like vanreef above) had posted a few questions regarding it, IMO, they were either not answered, skirted or outright changed. If you take the time to re-read each question, youll see what i mean.
One of them was a question i asked related to the problem you are experiencing...
"Tell me, if you do not feed these bacteria a source of carbon, what happens ? "
The reply was answered with a re-phrased question....."If you don't add an appropriate carbon source, What happens ?"
The secret word there was "appropriate"....
The answer was,
"The bacteria will stay in a planktonic state and can't form biofilms.
Bacteria use cell to cell communications to control gene expression amongst the cells. (This mechanisms is called quorom sensing). Some bacterial species use this to initiate biofilm formation."
With my little layman sized brain, this means....Like in your scenario, they simply die and pollute your tank.("planktonic" seems like a cool word for it tho

What i cant figure out is why would they die, if the food source is primarily nutrients in your tank ?
Whats the difference what kind of life form it takes , wether its a fish or bacteria? In any way,you feed in addition to what you were, bio load has increased and so has pollution.
I dunno, i still havent met a nutrient thats dodges my water changes.
Bah ! i got a headache.
I have followed your thread on another board, and you mentioned it helped the colors out a bit.
In your opinion, could you also say that running at thier "recommended parameters" this may have also had something to do with the improved coloration?
Thanks for your input.