50 Gallon Bowfront Oceanic All-Glass Salt-Water Aquarium
- Dimensions: 37" Wide * 21" High * 12" Deep Narrowest (16" Deep Thickest)
Matching Oceanic Stand w/ Tinted Glass Door
- Dimensions: 37" Wide * 32" High * 12" Deep Narrowest (16" Deep Thickest)
Custom Matching Tank Hood w/ Lighting:
- 175W Coralife Metal Halide Light (1)
- 1' Actinic Compact Flourescent Lights (2)
- 3' Actinic Compact Flourescent Light (1)
- Dimensions: 37" Wide * 18" High * 12" Deep Narrowest (16" Deep Thickest)
Fluval 304 Canister Filter
Remora Pro Protein Skimmer:
- Driven by high-flow Mag3 Pump
5 Gallon HOB Refugium:
- Driven by low-flow RIO Pump
- 5lbs Miracle Mud Substrate
- 2lbs Live Rock
- Grape Grass Caulerpa Macro Algae to minimize Tank Micro Algae
- Mini Flourescent Light
150W Ebo Jagger Heater
Various Powerheads:
- Hagen 802 (1)
- Hagen 402 (2)
- Hagen 201 (1)
- Rotational Powerhead (1)
RO/DI Tap Water Purifier
Miscellaneous Accessories, Equipment, Food, etc.
- Kent Marine Salt
- Kalkwasser
- Charcoal (for Canister Filter)
Testing Equipment
- Glass Hydrometer/Thermometer (high quality)
- Plastic Hydrometer
- Glass Thermometer
Water Quality Test Kits
- Ph
- Calcium
- Nitrates
- Nitrites
- Medicine
- Copper DiSulphate
Misc. Equipment & Accesories
- Large Fish Catching Net
- Medium Gravel Siphon
- Air Pump
- Automatic Flake Food Feeder (Battery Operated)
- Premium Frozen Hikari Brine Shrimp & Mega Marine Cubes
- Marine Flake Food
- Invertabrate Target Food
- Liquid Garlic Food Additive
- currently no fish
- numerous small feather dusters, and other micro organisms
- actinic lights need replacing and metal halide light could be replaced
- refugium light doesn't seem to be working, as such caulerpa is dieing
- custom tank hood could use some repair
I need to sell this fish tank soon and as such can assist with delivery for $50.
Was $749 obo, now $699 OBO
I am also considering parting out the tank, if you'd like a piece or pieces of the system please submit your offers and I will make a decision on or around May 20th