I hate myself for watching that show. But I'm hooked.

It's a darn compulsion I tell you, i.e., you know you shouldn't, but you just can't help yourself.
You just have to know the writers are just messing with us. They check out what people are writing on the forums, and then if anyone gets close to figuring something out, they go and change things. There's no real direction to it anymore, if there was once, it's long gone now.
So many stupid little details too (easter eggs). Do they mean something? Or not? Like how about that shark at the beginning of season 2? If you look closely, that "Dharma Initiative" logo is branded on the tail. What's up with that? So the shark is working for the "Others"? It's a robot? Or that poor Henry dude had to put on a fish costume (let's face it, that guy has the worst job of those "others"..) Argh!! Come on, don't put a detail like that in there and then don't do anything with it. Sheesh.
After the season finale last year I promised myself I wouldn't let myself watch it this year. So much for that one! Argh!!!
PS. Does anyone else keep thinking that Jenna Elfman ought to have a cameo in there? "Hi, I'm Dharma!"