05-04-2006, 05:47 PM
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Edmonton, AB (West)
Posts: 4,329
Are LEDs the wave of the future..??
This looks promising.
Originally Posted by Travis(ReefCentral)
These are the new PFO LED fixtures. They just released them to the public at IMAC and I think they are going retail in the next week. The color is really nice and you can independently control the white and blue LED's by dimming one or the other to control how the light looks. I saw a side by side comparison with a lux meter under this light and a 250w XM 15k (I know, I know, XM 15k is a sucky comparison as it is a very low PAR bulb) and the LED fixture put out twice as many lux. The lights will run for 10 years without needing to be replaced but they recommend a replacement interval of 5 years just to be conservative. And best of all... these lights are literally cool to the touch. I touched the glass lens and it was not warm, it was not room temp, it was even cooler than room temp. The first type of lighting I've ever seen that puts off absolutely no heat.
Last edited by muck; 05-05-2006 at 12:39 AM.