Originally Posted by titus
And yes there are no limits to Buy & Sell because they charge a fee for listing. I'm looking at the fees now. $2.99 for 3 ads for 1 week. $40.00 for 1 photo ad for 2 weeks. I'd certainly think twice before dishing out $40.00 for a photo ad, which is free here thanks to our sponsors. Also, we are not interested in just making money here from Buy/Sell. The board was setup to promote discussions.
Actually no, buy and sell is free if you post your ad online only. and since Canreef is online only as well, I think this is comparable.
People are right. There are a few existing members that are abusing this website, but this has nothing to do with new members and they shouldn't be punished for it.
On another note. Just because someone has alot of posts doesn't mean they are honest or a good person. As a veteran I can look back now and realise I was taken advantage of BY "respected" CANREEF MEMBERS. Regardless, let the buyer beware, community or not.