I would recommend reading and not taking all advice given from us amatures.
I know for a fact that:
If you go over 3.5 inches it will be a de-nitrifying sand bed and that can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on who you talk to.
This isn't true, 87% of all denitrfication takes place in the first 3/4 inch in live sand. So if you like sand, an inch might do the trick for you.
Go with 1.5lbs per gallon eventuall, so about 45lbs.
I'd like to know where people come up with these numbers? Since all live rock is different in its mass and relative density you might find that 15 lbs works as well as 30 lbs in your tank. I do agree that this item is expensive, and most people tend to collect LR over time to build their reefs.