Where are you located? Oftentimes, tank tours and other reefing events are organized in different cities so if you can, join one. You'll get a chance to see lots of dif. systems & see what works, what doesn't & talk to local reefers about their experiences.
The Conscientious Marine Aquarist by Bob Fenner (as recommended by others) is one of the better beginner books on the topic.
If you like sand, go for it and ask someone local with an established reef tank for a cup or two of live sand out of their tank to seed yours.
Deciding what type of corals/inverts/fish you want to keep (ie. softies, lps, sps, clams) will help you figure out what type of lighting & skimmer (if you go with one) you will need.
If you post your location in your profile, you can probably find someone local who would be happy to show you their tank & talk about their positive & negative reefing experiences.