I would trust som one with posts over 50-100 then 1-20. But you never know who is out there to scam people. Actually I trust more people here then actually any other place. Because it comes down to MORALS. Youhave to live with yourself and your username on this board.
I remember a time that Harvey sent me a kalk Reactor before i even paid him. that is trust.

Or any thing its like a big family that you can talk with.
But what really pee's me off are the people that ask questions after questions on things that you have already given them the answer too. people that have 20 + pages on their tank and there is nothing in in or look at my tank look how great it is and not contribute to the board.
IT"S ALL about THEM.

Srry I t got me going
any ways im out of here going to bed ......
Im starting to type without error must be getting tired

:mrgreen :