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Old 04-20-2006, 12:54 AM
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TheReefGeek TheReefGeek is offline
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Edmonton, Alberta
Posts: 1,503
TheReefGeek is on a distinguished road

1. Go with 1.5lbs per gallon eventuall, so about 45lbs. You can add dry rock later as much as you want without worrying about an ammonia spike, so if you can only afford 15 lbs live right now, go for it for a start

2. You should get a skimmer, if you are not running a sump I would recommend either the CPR BakPak II, or the AquaC Remora, they are both really good hang on tank models for up to 60g

3. What other equipment do you "already have"? What is your water flow plan? What lighting? What corals do you want to try to keep?

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