Thread: Victoria Water
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Old 04-20-2006, 12:11 AM
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Jaws Jaws is offline
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Location: Victoria
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The problem is I have the Aquasafe 100GPD unit but the only sink unit I have has an extendable tap with an adjustable stream output on it. I would rather not change all this out since I like the design and it would be a huge pain. Right now I have green hair algae growing along with very poor polyp extension if any at all. My parameters are as follows:

Alkalinity - 11.2
Calcium - 350 and slowly going up
pH - 8.25
Salinity - 1.024
Ammonia - 0
Phosphate - 0
Nitrate - 0
Nitrite - 0

Lighting period - Actinics (4-96W PC's) 10:00am - 11:00pm
MH's (4 250W DE's) 12:00pm - 9:30 pm (two end MH's)
12:30pm - 10:00pm (two middle MH's)

I've got a Euroreef CS3-8+ pulling lots of crap out as well as a Phosban reactor with Rowaphos to make sure I'm combatting as much Phosphate as I can.

I perform 10% water changes weekly, 20% monthly, and if anything, I found out that I was underfeeding my fish so the only thing I can think of is RO water unless anyone can suggest anything else.
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