Hey all,
I hope I can shed some light on a misconception... The channel line up in Canada is the way it is (20% CDN content) for a very good reason that actually affects every one of us. It is NOT to support CBC radio - specifically.
The reason this was done is because the American XM and Sirius line ups have 0% CDN programming, so the CDN programming exposure is, obviously, 0%. Now, here is a little background first:
American business are known for 'crushing' Canadian business in Canada, so our government, with Canada in their minds, realized this and decided to protect them. We've seen this several times. Anyone ever have an AT&T cell phone? Ever wonder why you get a Rogers Wireless bill now? CRTC. AT&T was a big American carrier. They then merged with Rogers, and finally were forced to leave all together. Notice that StarChoice and ExpressVu are Canadian ONLY sat providers? American sat providers are not allowed in Canada because the competition would be 'fair'. This is done to protect Candaian business. If Dish-network was in Canada, the channels on it would be 100% American, none CDN. This a HUGH problem - not just for SC and ExV - for any CDN business that want's commercials.
So, when Sirius and XM wanted to come to Canada, there was a lot of debate (which is why it took so long) As there are no CDN sat radio providers, and there was a hugh demand, the CRTC wanted to let them in, but what about are businesses? That's where the 20% CND programming comes in to play!
It has NOTHING to do with controlling sex or profanity!!
That said, get Sirius

Hope this helps...