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Old 04-18-2006, 10:17 AM
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Default need help starting my nano

i'm currently running a 55g tank and i'm a rookie i guess since i've only been in sw for 7 months but i study constantly. i need your guys advice for a 10g nano i want to start. i have bought a 50/50 96w corallife pc for the tank, the tank came with a penguin mini filter and heater but i have a few questions. is skimmer necessary? what fish are really happy in a 10g. i dont want them to just survive, but do well. i'm going to get about 10 - 15 lbs of live rock depending on space. i'm really picky with my live rock. crushed coral about 15 lbs. for corals i'm thinking mushrooms, zoanthids, i would really like a brain but still unsure if the lighting is sufficient. maybe a frogspawn, hammer or torch. any advice would be really appreciated. i do weekly water changes now on my 55g so from what i've studied, i'm thinking i dont need a skimmer on the nano if i keep up with the changes. oh, another question, amount of flow needed? i thought maxijet 400 maybe 2. do i need the pengiun or should i remove it? thanks for any help

my tank setup
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